OTHER – DomEQUAL https://domequal.eu A global approach to paid domestic work and social inequalities Thu, 26 Nov 2020 16:50:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Social Inequalities https://domequal.eu/output/a-global-approach-to-paid-domestic-work-and-social-inequalities/ Thu, 26 Nov 2020 16:44:55 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=2041 The forces of globalisation greatly impact the social positions and opportunities of domestic workers. Using a cross-country comparison, DomEQUAL identified key influential factors in the promotion and enforcement of domestic workers’ rights and analysed the role of gender. https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/422518-more-national-initiatives-needed-to-protect-the-rights-of-domestic-workers

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The forces of globalisation greatly impact the social positions and opportunities of domestic workers. Using a cross-country comparison, DomEQUAL identified key influential factors in the promotion and enforcement of domestic workers’ rights and analysed the role of gender. https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/422518-more-national-initiatives-needed-to-protect-the-rights-of-domestic-workers

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Presentazione di “Separate in casa. Lavoratrici domestiche, femministe e sindacaliste: una mancata alleanza” https://domequal.eu/output/eresentazione-del-libro-separate-in-casa-lavoratrici-domestiche-femministe-e-sindacaliste-una-mancata-alleanza/ Sat, 03 Oct 2020 16:00:44 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=2034 Presentazione del volume “Separate in casa. Lavoratrici domestiche, femministe e sindacaliste: una mancata alleanza”, a cura di Beatrice Busi (Ediesse 2020), con Beatrice Busi, Valeria Ribeiro Corrossacz  e Alessandra Gissi. Coordina Sara Picchi

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Presentazione del volume “Separate in casa. Lavoratrici domestiche, femministe e sindacaliste: una mancata alleanza”, a cura di Beatrice Busi (Ediesse 2020), con Beatrice Busi, Valeria Ribeiro Corrossacz  e Alessandra Gissi. Coordina Sara Picchi

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Femminismi alla prova delle differenze https://domequal.eu/output/femminismi-alla-prova-delle-differenze/ Wed, 06 Nov 2019 07:48:37 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1962 Sabrina Marchetti attend the meeting “Femminismi alla prova delle differenze” organized by Fiesolana b2 association (Florence, 1th march 2019).

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Sabrina Marchetti attend the meeting “Femminismi alla prova delle differenze” organized by Fiesolana b2 association (Florence, 1th march 2019).

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Studiare il genere e la sessualità nell’università italiana https://domequal.eu/output/studiare-il-genere-e-la-sessualita-nelluniversita-italiana/ Sat, 26 Oct 2019 08:05:15 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1954 Sabrina Marchetti  attend the meeting “Studiare il genere e la sessualità nell’università italiana” (University of RomaTre, 11-12th january 2019).

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Sabrina Marchetti  attend the meeting “Studiare il genere e la sessualità nell’università italiana” (University of RomaTre, 11-12th january 2019).

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Domestic workers’ rights between gender, class and national identity. First results from the project DomEQUAL https://domequal.eu/output/domestic-workers-rights-between-gender-class-and-national-identity-first-results-from-the-project-domequal/ Sat, 26 Oct 2019 06:38:40 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1948 Sabrina Marchetti present the DomEQUAL project to Brooklyn College (November 6th, 2018).

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Sabrina Marchetti present the DomEQUAL project to Brooklyn College (November 6th, 2018).

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Il valore della cura: inchiesta su assistenti familiari, baby-sitter e colf https://domequal.eu/output/il-valore-della-cura-inchiesta-su-assistenti-familiari-baby-sitter-e-colf/ Thu, 24 Oct 2019 07:53:48 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1943 Sabrina Marchetti, principal investigator of the DomEqual project, attended the conference “Il valore della cura: inchiesta su assistenti familiari, baby-sitter e colf” organized to Non Una di Meno at IFest (30th juin  2018, Rome).

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Sabrina Marchetti, principal investigator of the DomEqual project, attended the conference “Il valore della cura: inchiesta su assistenti familiari, baby-sitter e colf” organized to Non Una di Meno at IFest (30th juin  2018, Rome).

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Studiare il genere e la sessualità nell’università italiana. Genealogie, sfide e prospettive https://domequal.eu/output/studiare-il-genere-e-la-sessualita-nelluniversita-italiana-genealogie-sfide-e-prospettive/ Wed, 23 Oct 2019 06:54:47 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1939 Daniela Cherubini, Giulia Garofalo Geymonat, Sabrina Marchetti and Vincenza Perilli, joint the meeting “Studiare il genere e la sessualità nell’università italiana. Genealogie, sfide e prospettive” (University of Verona, 28-29th juin 2018).

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Daniela Cherubini, Giulia Garofalo Geymonat, Sabrina Marchetti and Vincenza Perilli, joint the meeting “Studiare il genere e la sessualità nell’università italiana. Genealogie, sfide e prospettive” (University of Verona, 28-29th juin 2018).

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Gender and migration https://domequal.eu/output/gender-and-migration/ Mon, 21 Oct 2019 19:37:43 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1936 Lecture of Sabrina Marchetti at 14th Migration Summer School (25th june – 6th july, European University Institute, Florence)

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Lecture of Sabrina Marchetti at 14th Migration Summer School (25th june – 6th july, European University Institute, Florence)

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Social reporting: i risultati del rapporto annuale UNFPA https://domequal.eu/output/social-reporting-i-risultati-del-rapporto-annuale-unfpa/ Mon, 21 Oct 2019 16:34:48 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1931 Serena Fiorletta (AIDOS) attended the seminary “Social reporting: i risultati del rapporto annuale UNFPA” at the seminar cycle “Gli immigrati e i loro discendenti nelle indagini statistiche in Italia” organized to Anna Di Bartolomeo of DomEQUAL team (19th november 2018, Cà Foscari University, Venice).

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Serena Fiorletta (AIDOS) attended the seminary “Social reporting: i risultati del rapporto annuale UNFPA” at the seminar cycle “Gli immigrati e i loro discendenti nelle indagini statistiche in Italia” organized to Anna Di Bartolomeo of DomEQUAL team (19th november 2018, Cà Foscari University, Venice).

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The specificities of live-in care work https://domequal.eu/output/the-specificities-of-live-in-care-work/ Thu, 10 Oct 2019 16:15:16 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1922 Daniela Cherubini, Giulia Garofalo Geymonat and Sabrina Marchetti attend the roundtable on “The Future of live-in care work in Europe”  (CNEL – Rome 16th May 2018).

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Daniela Cherubini, Giulia Garofalo Geymonat and Sabrina Marchetti attend the roundtable on “The Future of live-in care work in Europe”  (CNEL – Rome 16th May 2018).

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1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movement field going? https://domequal.eu/output/1968-2018-fifty-years-after-is-the-social-movement-field-going/ Thu, 10 Oct 2019 07:07:10 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1914 Giulia Garofalo Geymonat and Sabrina Marchetti attended the conference “1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movement field going?” (Florence, 23-25 may 2018), jointly organized by COSMOS/SNS, ECPR/SG P&M and ESA/RN25.

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Giulia Garofalo Geymonat and Sabrina Marchetti attended the conference “1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movement field going?” (Florence, 23-25 may 2018), jointly organized by COSMOS/SNS, ECPR/SG P&M and ESA/RN25.

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Intercultura e antropologia di genere https://domequal.eu/output/intercultura-e-antropologia-di-genere/ Fri, 07 Jun 2019 16:31:32 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1974 Lectio magistralis by Sabrina Marchetti at seminars cycle “Intercultura 2019.Femminismi postcoloniali e decoloniali. Movimenti transnazionali di donne, nuove forme di relazioni oltre i confini” (7th june 2019, RomaTre University, Rome).

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Lectio magistralis by Sabrina Marchetti at seminars cycle “Intercultura 2019.Femminismi postcoloniali e decoloniali. Movimenti transnazionali di donne, nuove forme di relazioni oltre i confini” (7th june 2019, RomaTre University, Rome).

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Liberarsi dallo sfruttamento nel lavoro domestico: movimenti di donne nel mondo https://domequal.eu/output/liberarsi-dallo-sfruttamento-nel-lavoro-domestico-movimenti-di-donne-nel-mondo/ Fri, 24 May 2019 09:05:17 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1968 Sabrina Marchetti gave a presentation  “Liberarsi dallo sfruttamento nel lavoro domestico: movimenti di donne nel mondo” at the conference “Farsi spazio … pubblico. Riflessioni sulla libertà delle donne negli spazi condivisi, nel lavoro, nella moda” organized by Laboratorio Sguardi sulle Differenze (La Sapienza University, Roma, 24th May, 2019).

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Sabrina Marchetti gave a presentation  “Liberarsi dallo sfruttamento nel lavoro domestico: movimenti di donne nel mondo” at the conference “Farsi spazio … pubblico. Riflessioni sulla libertà delle donne negli spazi condivisi, nel lavoro, nella moda” organized by Laboratorio Sguardi sulle Differenze (La Sapienza University, Roma, 24th May, 2019).

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Migrazioni e genere. Prospettive e percorsi di lettura https://domequal.eu/output/migrazioni-e-genere-prospettive-e-percorsi-di-lettura/ Tue, 19 Mar 2019 17:14:50 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1911 Daniela Cherubini attended the seminary “Genere, migrazioni, cittadinanza e diritti”  (coord. Frisina&Marchetti) at the conference “Migrazioni e genere. Prospettive e percorsi di lettura” (University of Padua, 18-22 March 2019).

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Daniela Cherubini attended the seminary “Genere, migrazioni, cittadinanza e diritti”  (coord. Frisina&Marchetti) at the conference “Migrazioni e genere. Prospettive e percorsi di lettura” (University of Padua, 18-22 March 2019).

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Home is Where I stand https://domequal.eu/output/home-is-where/ Sun, 03 Mar 2019 13:42:33 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1973 Sabrina Marchetti presented in the roundtable “Home is Where I stand” with the artist Kristina Norman at  the festival “Atlas of Transitions / Biennal Home” (Bologna, 3th march 2019).

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Sabrina Marchetti presented in the roundtable “Home is Where I stand” with the artist Kristina Norman at  the festival “Atlas of Transitions / Biennal Home” (Bologna, 3th march 2019).

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Lavoratrici e lavoratori domestici nel mondo: uno studio comparativo su genere, lavoro e disuguaglianze https://domequal.eu/output/lavoratrici-e-lavoratori-domestici-nel-mondo-uno-studio-comparativo-su-genere-lavoro-e-disuguaglianze/ Thu, 13 Dec 2018 07:43:35 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1952 Giulia Garofalo Geymonat and Sabrina Marchetti presented the paper “Lavoratrici e lavoratori domestici nel mondo: uno studio comparativo su genere, lavoro e disuguaglianze” in seminars cycle “Lavoro globale e digitale: scenari, opportunità e rischi” (Trento University, 13th december 2018).

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Giulia Garofalo Geymonat and Sabrina Marchetti presented the paper “Lavoratrici e lavoratori domestici nel mondo: uno studio comparativo su genere, lavoro e disuguaglianze” in seminars cycle “Lavoro globale e digitale: scenari, opportunità e rischi” (Trento University, 13th december 2018).

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Domestic work is work? Condizioni lavorative delle assistenti familiari in Italia, tra finzione e realtà https://domequal.eu/output/domestic-work-is-work-condizioni-lavorative-delle-assistenti-familiari-in-italia-tra-finzione-e-realta/ Sun, 25 Nov 2018 07:02:05 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1949 Sabrina Marchetti presented the paper “Domestic work os work? Condizioni lavorative delle assistenti familiari in Italia, tra finzione e realtà” at the roundtable “Diritti, dignità, eguaglianza nel lavoro domestico e di cura: a che punto siamo?“ to Acli-Colf conference “#PiùSociali #PiùEguali. Colf e badanti, con noi si muove il mondo” (24th-25th november 2018, Rome).

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Sabrina Marchetti presented the paper “Domestic work os work? Condizioni lavorative delle assistenti familiari in Italia, tra finzione e realtà” at the roundtable “Diritti, dignità, eguaglianza nel lavoro domestico e di cura: a che punto siamo?“ to Acli-Colf conference “#PiùSociali #PiùEguali. Colf e badanti, con noi si muove il mondo” (24th-25th november 2018, Rome).

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Genere e migrazioni: il lavoro domestico https://domequal.eu/output/genere-e-migrazioni-il-lavoro-domestico/ Mon, 19 Nov 2018 16:37:38 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1932 Sabrina Marchetti, principal investigator of the DomEqual project and Sara Picchi, attended the seminary “Genere e migrazioni: il lavoro domestico” at the seminar cycle “Gli immigrati e i loro discendenti nelle indagini statistiche in Italia” organized to Anna Di Bartolomeo of DomEQUAL team (19th november 2018, Cà Foscari University, Venice).

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Sabrina Marchetti, principal investigator of the DomEqual project and Sara Picchi, attended the seminary “Genere e migrazioni: il lavoro domestico” at the seminar cycle “Gli immigrati e i loro discendenti nelle indagini statistiche in Italia” organized to Anna Di Bartolomeo of DomEQUAL team (19th november 2018, Cà Foscari University, Venice).

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Domestic Workers Building Dignity and Power, Past and Present https://domequal.eu/output/umass-amherst/ Thu, 01 Nov 2018 08:00:56 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1945 Sabrina Marchetti presented the DomEqual project at the roundtable “Domestic Workers Building Dignity and Power, Past and Present” at UMass (Amherst, 1th November, 2018).

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Sabrina Marchetti presented the DomEqual project at the roundtable “Domestic Workers Building Dignity and Power, Past and Present” at UMass (Amherst, 1th November, 2018).

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Sabrina Marchetti presents the DomEQUAL project at Film Series on Migration, Inclusion and Diversity https://domequal.eu/output/sabrina-marchetti-presents-the-domequal-project-at-film-series-on-migration-inclusion-and-diversity/ Mon, 18 Jun 2018 12:04:28 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1905 Film Series on Migration, Inclusion and Diversity Olha’s Italian Diary by Olena Fedyuk 18 June, 17:30 Sala del Capitolo, Badia Fiesolana Screening in the presence of the film director Olena Fedyuk, followed by a discussion with Prof. Sabrina Marchetti, PI of DomEQUAL, Ca’Foscari University of Venice. The Migration Policy Centre, along with the EU Border …

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Film Series on Migration, Inclusion and Diversity
Olha’s Italian Diary by Olena Fedyuk

18 June, 17:30
Sala del Capitolo, Badia Fiesolana

Screening in the presence of the film director Olena Fedyuk, followed by a
discussion with Prof. Sabrina Marchetti, PI of DomEQUAL, Ca’Foscari
University of Venice.

The Migration Policy Centre, along with the EU Border Care project, is hosting a film series aiming at engaging with documentary and fiction films relevant to research themes on migration, inclusion and diversity.


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Paper presented at the ECPR joint sessions in Nicosia, Cyprus – Workshop “Addressing intersectionality: social movements and the politics of inclusivity” https://domequal.eu/output/workshop-intersectionality-ecpr-joint-sessions-university-nicosia/ Tue, 10 Apr 2018 16:46:01 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1721 Daniela Cherubini attended the Workshop “Addressing Intersectionality: Social Movements and the Politics of Inclusivity” (coord. E. Evans & E. Lepinard) at the ECPR Joint Sessions (University of Nicosia, Cyprus, 10-14 April 2018), presenting a paper on the first results of the DomEqual project

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Daniela Cherubini attended the Workshop “Addressing Intersectionality: Social Movements and the Politics of Inclusivity” (coord. E. Evans & E. Lepinard) at the ECPR Joint Sessions (University of Nicosia, Cyprus, 10-14 April 2018), presenting a paper on the first results of the DomEqual project

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Actividad Regional sobre Trabajadoras del Hogar: Avances y desafíos para la ratificación e implementación del Convenio 189 en América Latina https://domequal.eu/output/actividad-regional-sobre-trabajadoras-del-hogar-avances-y-desafios-para-la-ratificacion-e-implementacion-del-convenio-189-en-america-latina/ Sun, 17 Dec 2017 15:23:37 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1920 Thays Monticelli, country-expert of the DomEqual project, attend at the conference “Actividad Regional sobre Trabajadoras del Hogar: Avances y desafíos para la ratificación e implementación del Convenio 189 en América Latina” (Mexico City, 11-15 december 2017).  

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Thays Monticelli, country-expert of the DomEqual project, attend at the conference “Actividad Regional sobre Trabajadoras del Hogar: Avances y desafíos para la ratificación e implementación del Convenio 189 en América Latina” (Mexico City, 11-15 december 2017).


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DomEQUAL at the inauguration of the academic year 2017 https://domequal.eu/output/presentation-domequal-project/ Thu, 16 Feb 2017 12:50:22 +0000 https://domequal.eu/?post_type=output&p=1151 Sabrina Marchetti presents the DomEQUAL project at the inauguration of the academic year at Ca’ Foscari University (16 Feb 2017)

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Sabrina Marchetti presents the DomEQUAL project at the inauguration of the academic year at Ca’ Foscari University (16 Feb 2017)

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